Recent content by gamestoenjoy

  1. gamestoenjoy

    Best Stremio addons

    Here is a review of the best Stremio addons:
  2. gamestoenjoy

    How to edit and convert videos with FFmpeg

    FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project offering extensive functionality for video and audio processing. The following tutorial provides the most useful FFmpeg commands to manipulate and handle your videos. How to edit and convert videos with FFmpeg
  3. gamestoenjoy

    How to install Kodi on webOS (LG smart TV)

    You can now run Kodi on webOS, which means you can run it on LG smart TV and other TV brands. It wasn't possible till now. This is an amazing news Here is how to install Kodi on webOS
  4. gamestoenjoy

    Preferred search engine?

    I use only Google.
  5. gamestoenjoy

    How to record live TV

    Also NextPVR :grin:
  6. gamestoenjoy

    How to record live TV

    Exactly, without the need for DVR. Exactly.
  7. gamestoenjoy

    How to record live TV

    If you don’t want to miss anything on TV, like your favorite show, the ability to record live TV is essential. The best and easiest way to record live TV is to use NextPVR and Kodi. Here is the tutorial: How to record live TV
  8. gamestoenjoy

    Installing Torrentio on Stremio

    Torrentio is an excellent torrent add-on for Stremio, and provides a seamless way to stream torrents directly within Stremio. Here is how to install it: Installing Torrentio on Stremio
  9. gamestoenjoy

    Set up SMB with Kodi

    Yes I know but it is mainly used in Windows. Microsoft introduced SMB 2/3 and it is used with their OS.
  10. gamestoenjoy

    Do you use a mini pc?

    I prefer a regular desktop as the small size of mini pc isn't a factor for me. Desktop is more powerful and easier to upgrade.
  11. gamestoenjoy

    Set up SMB with Kodi

    SMB is a communication protocol for sharing files in your Windows computer. You will be able to share videos located on your computer with Kodi and watch your favorite movies and TV shows. Here is how to do it: Set up SMB with Kodi
  12. gamestoenjoy

    How to change the DNS in your browser

    It was only for a maintanance. It is up again :grin:
  13. gamestoenjoy

    How to change the DNS in your browser

    The DNS of your ISP is slow and insecure. You can move to the Cloudflare DNS, which is secure and much faster. Here is how to do it: Change to Cloudflare DNS in browser
  14. gamestoenjoy

    Do you use a smartwatch?

    Of course I have. I meant that I don't use wristwatch but use my mobile phone to check time.
  15. gamestoenjoy

    Do you use a smartwatch?

    I don't use a clock at all.